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This module provides common utilities, traits and structures for group, field and polynomial arithmetic.


This trait is the affine counterpart to Curve and is used for serialization, storage in memory, and inspection of $x$ and $y$ coordinates.
This trait is a common interface for dealing with elements of an elliptic curve group in a “projective” form, where that arithmetic is usually more efficient.
This trait represents an element of a field.
This trait is a common interface for dealing with elements of a finite field.
This represents an element of a group with basic operations that can be performed. This allows an FFT implementation (for example) to operate generically over either a field or elliptic curve group.


Performs a radix-$2$ Fast-Fourier Transformation (FFT) on a vector of size $n = 2^k$, when provided log_n = $k$ and an element of multiplicative order $n$ called omega ($\omega$). The result is that the vector a, when interpreted as the coefficients of a polynomial of degree $n - 1$, is transformed into the evaluations of this polynomial at each of the $n$ distinct powers of $\omega$. This transformation is invertible by providing $\omega^{-1}$ in place of $\omega$ and dividing each resulting field element by $n$.
Performs a multi-exponentiation operation.
This computes the inner product of two vectors a and b.
This evaluates a provided polynomial (in coefficient form) at point.
Convert coefficient bases group elements to lagrange basis by inverse FFT.
Divides polynomial a in X by X - b with no remainder.
Returns coefficients of an n - 1 degree polynomial given a set of n points and their evaluations. This function will panic if two values in points are the same.
This simple utility function will parallelize an operation that is to be performed over a mutable slice.
This perform recursive butterfly arithmetic
Performs a small multi-exponentiation operation. Uses the double-and-add algorithm with doublings shared across points.